Now, social media has an important role in marketing strategy for small and large businesses.
There are a lot of social media benefits that can be felt by users,
especially for business owners.
What are the
benefits of social media?
Here there are
some social media advantages for business:
1. Social media
helps consumers find your business
Customers can
take advantage of social media in searching for products or services they need.
Now consumers are always trying to find information a brand in social media. This
is what coustemers usually do before deciding to buy or use a product.
In addition to
looking at reputation, consumers also use social media to find out how trustworthy
your brand is. Therefore, social media is important to support the development
of our business.
2. Social media
helps promote our business with minimal cost
Social media
helps your business to increase your brand with almost no cost. The most
necessary cost for this is time. This is very possible and the results can be
much better than relying on ads in newspapers or magazines. Keep in mind, you
need interesting and quality content. This means that if you post photos, you
need good quality photos to attract the attention of customers.
3. Social media
helps you expand your target market
By using social
media as a marketing strategy, it will enable you to expand the customer
network. So, it will allow more people to see your products. In essence, by
using social media, you have the opportunity to attract customers by way of
relationships with potential customers just by continuing to be active in the
Thank you for reading, I hope this article is useful for you guys... 💓
Unnes has already having special
applications or global socialnetworking site whereit show unnes profilesand
share unnes universe information.So
to get information about Unnes, we just downloading this application. Start from information about Unnes
profiles, faculties in Unnes, postgraduate, data and facts, and latest news.
Example of the latest
information which I have from this Unnes application is about unnes
night festival, or we can call with “unfest” (events of Dies Natalies Unnes 2017) which is presenting the famous guest stars, that is “Payung Teduh” and “Naif”. The concert have the theme "Manus Ex Masino", that means collaboration of culture
and technology. Then from it, Unnes presides “Naif”. it’s representation asthe legendary bandand also it still exist through the
music industry in indonesia. while, “Payung Teduh” is considered as representation of culture
of malay music.
brought their
flagship song like mobil
balap, piknik, etc.
Beside, “Payung Teduh” also bring their flagship song,that is resah, rahasia,
berdua saja, and many more.
In addition to guest
stars, the event which was attended by more than 3000 spectators also featured
some music and dance collaboration ofthree culture in Indonesia.Such
appearance describe that indonesia's diversity from parts, west, center, and